Symbols, signs and relics
The Oratory of San Michele the Archangel, Vecoli

The building, located on the Francigena in the surroundings of the Contesora Creek, was part of the hospice in Vecoli founded in 1175 by Count Ugolino and by his wife Bonafiglia. Destroyed during the 18th century, its remains were demolished by the retreating German army in 1944. Inside the Oratory, which is under private ownership, is the image of Saint Michele Arcangelo in the act of slaying the dragon. The worship of Saint Michele Arcangelo, also attested to by the granting of indulgence by the Archbishop of Lucca Antonio Torrini in 1931, is celebrated on September 29, to commemorate the memory of the Holy Archangels.

Sources: R., Monacci F., Luoghi della devozione, per un catalogo delle microstrutture religiose nel contado lucchese, Italia Nostra Sezione di Lucca Italia

Via delle Gavine, 55100 Lucca LU, Italia
Lucca (LU)
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