Saint Francesco church in San Miniato - Photo ©Sailko
Symbols, signs and relics
The Martyr Saint Miniatus

On October 25the martyr Saint Miniatus is remembered. The oldest mention of this martyr of Florence is identifiable in a diploma written by Charlemagne from 786, in which he writes that the basilica martiris Christi Miniatis, sita Florentie, ubi eius venerabile corpus requiescit. But who Miniatus was is beyond doubt. His hagiography, in fact, as well as being ancient, is also the stuff of legend. In it you can read that Miniatus, arrested during Decius’ persecution and forced to undergo various torments from which he always emerged unscathed, was finally decapitated on October 25 in around 250. Today, on the mount above Florence there is a basilica in his honour. The most probable hypothesis is that, on the mount of Saint Miniatus,  from the 6th century there was already an oratory where some relics of the famous Egyptian martyr Menna had been moved, who later became a saint of the area. At Saint Miniatus there was mention of an oratory, which today has been incorporated into the monumental church of San Francesco, built, in honour of the Florentine Martyr, around 700 by Lombardic men with the consent of the Bishop of Lucca.

Sources: AA.VV. Enciclopedia dei Santi, Bibliotheca Sanctorum, Città Nuova Editrice, Roma, 2013 

Piazza S. Francesco, 56028 San Miniato PI, Italia
San Miniato (PI)
GPS coordinates

Simbol of the Saint: palm.

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