Every year Abbadia San Salvatore commemorates Santa Barbara, protector of the miners, adhering to the rich calender promised by the national park Museum of the miners of Amiata, bringing to life the side of Siena and Grosseto also seen in the Christmas celebrations. The celebrations in honour of Santa Barbara take place around December 4, when the festivities begin with the Holy Mass in the Church of Madonna del Castagno, with the participation of the Corale P.L. from Palestrina, whilst in the afternoon in the city hall medals are given as keepsakes to the oldest ex-miners. The mining past of Abbadia comes to life in the Tower dell'Orologui of the old mine, with the deposition of the crowns, the blessing of the plaque of the miners who died at work and "La Sciolta", the historic re-enactment of the return to the miners' house with the acetylene which goes through Via Hamman and Via Cavour until it reaches the Palazzo Comunale. Next to the celebrations in honour of Santa Barbara there is a dedicated event which involves visits to the mine with the miners' train which continue into the following days.
Sources: monte-amiata.eu ; comune.abbadia.siena.it